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The right mix

KWBAT plan and carry out scientific investigation, identify variables, organize data, interpret data in charts and tables and analyze information to defend conclusions.

Do Now: Complete the Nature of Science Review on illuminate

Last week we deconstructed a lab and identified the key parts of an experiment to solve a problem. This week will will be given a problem and you will be responsible for designing and performing a virtual lab to find a solution. Your final product with be a lab report stating the problem, hypothesis, variables, procedure, data/ results and conclusions.

In this virtual lab you will use the scientific method to determine how to create the most effective compost pile. Compost Virtual Lab

Compost is decomposed matter used as fertilizer or as mulch. Compost is made by coming four basic ingredients: green material, vegetable and fruit scraps, brown material ( dried grass and leaves, twigs and straw) air and water.

In addition to being good for plants compost is good for the environment because it makes use of materials that otherwise would go to waste.

Your task: Apply a variety of strategies in order to solve the scientific problem.

Identify the facts that effect the efficiency of a compost pile.

Step 1: Determine the problem. Consider the four ingredients necessary to make compost and state a problem about making an efficient compost pile.

Step 2: Make a hypothesis, Make a testable prediction about how the efficiency of a compost pile would be affected by varying the ratio of green to brown material, the amount of water added, and the number of times a compost pile is turned to supply oxygen.

Step 3: Identify which variables you are testing.

What are your control, independent, and dependent variables.

Step 4: Test your hypothesis, click and drag the brown to green balance bar, the water concentration bar, and the number of turns bar to the position you want to test. Click the calendar. Record the combinations you tested and the resulting efficiency meter reading.

Step 5: Click the rest button and test other combinations in the same way. Record your results on the table.

Step 6: Analyze your data about the efficiency of the compost pile.

Step 7: Draw a conclusion. What combination of factors produces the most efficient compost. How do you know.

Use the Lab Report Template to create the lab report.

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