2 Roads ahead
KWBAT Demonstrate mastery on unit learning objectives KWBAT Preview unit 6 content by outlining the unit from the text Today students...
Take a stab at it.
KWBAT Demonstrate Mastery of unit learning objectives on a practice test So yesterday during class and for homework students were to...
KWBAT Demonstrate mastery of unit learning objectives with Conceptual review guide.' Do. Log into Quizlet.Live Step 1: Complete the...
All in the Family Part II
KWBAT Describe the properties and trends across the periodic table. DO NOW: Access illuminate and complete the Elements and Periodic...
All in the Family
KWBAT Describe the properties of elements in the periodic table by groups and families Do Now: Access illuminate and complete the...
Mendeleev's Classification
KWBAT Describe the structure and organization of the periodic table DO NOW: Complete the Niels Bohr Reading Step 1: Lets review...
Bohr Models
KWBAT Describe the arrangement and energy levels of electrons in Bohr Models Do Now: Access illuminate to complete the Acid and Bases...
The Disassociation of Water
KWBAT Identify the properties of Acids and Bases Do Now: Access illuminate to complete the Unit Quick Review Step 1: Read the Article on...
Apart of Everything
KWBAT Describe the structure of a atom using the period table KWBAT Identify the atomic structure of an element using the periodic table...
Using the Periodic Table
KWBAT Describe the structure of an atom using atomic mass and number DO NOW: Log into Quizlet.live for a quiz vocabulary review STEP 1:...