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Do Now: Complete the School Activity Choice Survey

Today we will be completing Choice Activities. Lets start by accessing Quizlet.Live to review the vocab form the unit. You have a quiz coming up that you will need to prepare for. Lets Play

As you know we will be getting ready for the FCAT in order to prepare we need to be sure we are mastering our standards. On our last test we struggled with standard SC.8.E.5.1 (Distances in Space)

Access the FCAT checkpoint via Illuminate.

We will be taking checkpoints weekly to see if we are improving on our FCAT standards. These checkpoints will be graded. You will be allowed to make up the checkpoint and can not move on until you master the standard.

As you master the standards you will receive rewards, as listed below;

5 standards mastered = Late work pass

10 standards mastered = Homework/ Classwork Pass

15 standards mastered = Quiz Bonus +5

20 standards mastered = +2 Extra Credit Bonus

25 standards mastered = Free Dress Pass

Once you complete the Checkpoint. You can start to work on your Choice Board Activity

Please complete your notes from yesterday if you have not finished.

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