Going digital
KWBAT Discuss the identified layers (core, zone of radiation, zone of convection, chromosphere, photosphere, corona) of a typical star such as our Sun
DO NOW: Sun Word Splash
STEP 1: Today we will start our new unit "Our Solar System" please take a moment to look at some of the the information from the new unit. Please go to the Unit tab on the website and look at the standards, skills, and knowledge we will learn in our new unit. While your reviewing the information please complete the Know section of the KWL chart provided to you by your teacher.
Today we will learn about our closest star, and at the same time learn about a valuable online resource, our online text book.
STEP 2: Use the PDF to access the online text book.
Directions to Access the Online Text
STEP 3: Access the online text in the directions above and complete the Guided Notes
STEP 4: Once you finish complete the Exit Ticket at the bottom of the notes.
Homework: Complete the Layers of the Sun reading and do Cornell Notes