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KWBAT Describe the HR Diagram for classifying stars

Extra Credit: Make a song and video for the HR Diagram


Step 1: Do now: Log on to illuminate and take the Mini Test Practice password: Cosmos. When you finish the mini test practice. Complete the Standard Analysis Sheet and turn it into Mr. Keys.

You have a limited amount of time to complete the DO NOW so please be mindful of the timer at the front of the room.

Today we will recap the HR Diagram we learned last week. The HR diagram worksheet that was completed as classwork needs to be turned in today. Below is the HR Diagram worksheet we will complete today. If you were not here on Friday it your job to catch up by completing the worksheet you missed on Friday as well as complete today's work so be efficient.

Step 2: Complete the HR Diagram Worksheet

Step 3: Once you are finished complete any classwork on google classroom you have not finished or start the homework. If you are one of the students who have not completed the MAP Test please access the test login on the board and complete that during this time.

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